Cooking schools are to be held. The people are to be taught
how to prepare wholesome food. They are to be shown the need of discarding
unhealthful foods. But we should never advocate a starvation diet. It is
possible to have a wholesome, nutritious diet without the use of tea, coffee,
and flesh food. The work of teaching the people how to prepare a dietary that
is at once wholesome and appetizing, is of the utmost importance.—Testimonies
for the Church 9:112, 1909 -- Counsels on Diet and Foods, 469
Untuk mengisi waktu pada hari libur Anda, kami menawarkan kepada Anda semua suatu kegiatan yang sangat bermanfaat dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau, HANYA 10.000,- (SEPULUH RIBU RUPIAH).... Anda akan mendapatkan ilmu yang bermanfaat sambil mencicipi hidangan hasil karya dan kreasi Anda.